
Attendance Tracking

BLE / Beacons / NFC / GPS


Streamline attendance management with our cutting-edge BLE Attendance Tracking solution. Using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, effortlessly record and manage attendance in real-time, eliminating manual efforts and ensuring accurate data for enhanced productivity and efficiency




Real-Time Location Tracking
Interactive Wayfinding
Seamless Integration
Proximity-Based Notifications

Our Feature

Real-Time Attendance Recording

Record attendance in real-time, providing instant updates on attendance status.

BLE Technology

Utilize BLE technology for efficient and low-power communication between devices.

Automated Attendance Tracking

Automate the attendance recording process, reducing manual effort and errors.

Mobile App Integration

Integrate with mobile apps for convenient and accessible attendance tracking on smartphones and tablets.

Customizable Attendance Rules

Set up customizable attendance rules based on specific requirements and policies.

Geo-fencing Capabilities

Implement geo-fencing to track attendance within defined geographical boundaries.

Biometric Integration

Integrate biometric authentication for enhanced security and accurate attendance recording.

Analytics and Reporting

Generate comprehensive reports and analytics on attendance patterns and trends.

Multi-Platform Support

Access the solution on various devices and platforms, including web browsers and mobile apps.


Scale the solution to accommodate organizations of different sizes and attendance tracking needs.

Get in touch

Let's turn your ideas into reality – drop us a line and let's get started


The BLE Attendance Tracking system offers seamless and accurate attendance monitoring for organizations. It simplifies the attendance process, eliminates paperwork, and reduces manual errors, saving valuable time and resources. With real-time tracking and reporting, this technology ensures better compliance, increased efficiency, and improved overall productivity for businesses and institutions.

Accurate and Real-Time Attendance Recording

Provides precise and instant updates on attendance status for accurate data.

Time and Cost Savings

Reduces manual effort and administrative time spent on attendance management.

Enhanced Efficiency

Streamlines attendance tracking processes, allowing for better resource allocation and productivity.

Elimination of Proxy Attendance

Minimizes the possibility of proxy attendance or time theft.

Customizable Attendance Rules

Tailor attendance rules to suit the specific needs and policies of the organization.

Improved Security

Utilizes biometric integration for enhanced security and identity verification.

Geo-fencing Capabilities

Allows tracking attendance within defined geographic boundaries for better control.

Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics

Generates detailed reports and analytics for data-driven decision-making.

Compliance and Audit Trail

Maintains accurate attendance records for compliance and auditing purposes.


Can be scaled to accommodate organizations of different sizes and attendance tracking needs.

Our clients

At our company, we believe in building partnerships rooted in honesty and genuine connections. That's why major companies have chosen to stay with us for years

Who can use

The BLE Attendance Tracking system is suitable for a wide range of organizations and institutions, including schools, universities, offices, and events. Whether managing student attendance, employee attendance, or tracking participants at conferences and workshops, this technology provides a reliable and efficient solution for hassle-free attendance management.

Educational Institutions

Schools, colleges, and universities can use BLE Attendance Tracking to efficiently record and manage student attendance.

Corporate Offices

Employers can implement BLE Attendance Tracking to monitor employee attendance and streamline attendance management.

Training Centers

Training institutes and workshops can utilize BLE Attendance Tracking to track participant attendance during sessions.

Events and Conferences

Event organizers can use BLE Attendance Tracking to keep track of attendee presence and engagement.

Healthcare Facilities

Hospitals and clinics can implement BLE Attendance Tracking for staff attendance and duty tracking.

Government Organizations

Government agencies can use BLE Attendance Tracking to monitor employee attendance and work hours.

Co-working Spaces

Co-working spaces can adopt BLE Attendance Tracking to track member check-ins and occupancy.

Fitness Centers

Gyms and fitness studios can use BLE Attendance Tracking to monitor member attendance and track class participation.

Manufacturing and Industrial Settings

Industries can implement BLE Attendance Tracking for employee attendance in shifts.

Sports Clubs and Teams

Sports clubs and teams can use BLE Attendance Tracking to monitor player attendance during practices and events.